

Did you get to look at any of our website and what did you find?


Well, okay, so I told you I like using it for research. So I analyze you and your partner, everything about you guys, where you’ve studied everything you’ve done and accelerated through that, learned about who you are, and it got me really excited to actually be here today. I analyzed all of your blog posts that you’ve written last year to get a sense for the type of content for the different industries that you guys are trying to attract and reach. And that gave me a starting point. I saw the industries like construction, law, business, litigation. It seems like dumping it seems like a lot of it is based around preventiveness and stopping people before they get to a point where they are going to incur lots of fees. I saw that you guys have a webinar coming up for paga lawsuits or paga industries or something like that. Eric got it. I don’t know much about paga other than at this point that those can get very painful very quickly. So I see why it’s a good focal point and why you’d want to go after that. I just think if it was me, what I would do differently is start publishing a lot more stuff and have it more tailored towards giving specific examples and citing more examples.


Because when people search for laws type stuff, they’re really looking for, hey, how does this relate to this lawyer? Do something that relates to me specifically, and I’ve done that time and time again for sole law firms in one industry, and it works really well. It’s like personal injury and DUI law where people are like, well, can you help me? My case is unique. What cases have you done recently as we were talking about, you need to accelerate and just publish a lot more yeah, to work, to be that thought leader.




I sent a screenshot of it. I noticed there’s a lot of commercial type keywords, like ones that generally and I say commercial because you can see attorneys bidding on these keywords paid search. So, you know, if I do a Google search and I see five attorneys spending money on it and they’re spending $5000 a click, I know that’s a good commercial term keyword your Google. My business listing already shows up in the map pack, but not in the map. Like, it’s buried in like number 1518.


Yeah, we want it.


You want to be the three pack.


And how are you going to get us there?


That’s SEO.


Yeah, right.


That’s kind of easy to me, at.


Least that’s with the backlinking. Right.


Well, so, interestingly enough, if you asked me that six months, two months ago, I would have said backlinks will be seem. Lately I’ve found backlinks are less important, especially for local SEO. It’s not so much there’s like 1617 different signals and it’s just checkbox. It’s just a procedure. We run through it, apply all that stuff to the GMB listing and bring it to the top and then work towards, once you get found, set up so that people actually click through. People look through and read about you and learn more about what you’ve done for other people to help. And then click through your website and find your blogs and learn more about you there and go on to help. Same thing with your so that’s like new potential client growth. There’s also existing clients newsletters and things like that, training and guidance and all that so you can start publishing this out.


So would you provide all that?


Well, yeah, we can, literally.


So you have a team that kind of does that kind of stuff.




Okay. And how do you guys come up with all the newsletters and the blog?


Yeah, so topic ideation is just we put together strategies. It starts with building buyer personas that represent your ideal client. We figure out what their pain points are, their demographics, what kind of challenges they’re facing, and use that to guide your whole strategy moving forward. Once we have those personas kind of dialed in, then you can create a content map and a publishing schedule. And then what we’ll do is we’ll put all that together and then collaborate with you guys to make it unique. The challenge with using AI generation right now, especially for law stuff, is that it can’t be done unsupervised. And it does require collaboration because of two reasons. Number one, something called hallucination. That’s where you tell an AI bot to get you some, to give you some information and it just invents what you want to hear. And the stuff that it gives you is factually incorrect. Right. Because you have to understand. Remember text nine texting where you type a couple of letters and it would tell you what it’s most likely to be. That’s all generative AI is, but it’s really good. It’s just modern day tech nine they’re.


Using for your blog.


Well, yeah. So we’ll start with that and then we’ll curate it with humans. But I’ve been talking to industry people and almost this whole content writing content writing as kind of like a side service as it relates to digital marketing industry has completely dried up in the last couple of months. No one is paying humans to there’s way, way less people paying humans to write and publish content. I can share a personal anecdote. I can tell you that AI, the AI assisted content I’m generating over the last couple of months that I’ve experimented with, I get 40% higher engagement on my content.




So I’m here to embrace it. I’ve seen much bigger multibillion dollar companies do the same thing. BuzzFeed just was once valued like a billion dollars in the last, recently, in the last couple of years, they fired their entire publishing department and they’re really not AI. You can look at so many examples. I think Cnut, another major publisher, everyone’s using AI generated content to help accelerate and do more. I think that’s a key. It’s really cool. It’s got tons of non marketing applications too, that I think would be really interesting. It’s got great legal applications too. As a firm, you’d be mind blown. Stuff like setting up so like Chat GPT and Google Bard and all these they’re large language models. You can create your own in house. You can create a language model and you can use it to your advantage in insane ways. You can use it for use it for contract reviews. I’m super pumped to see how it starts affecting mock.


Okay, so looking at our website? What is it that we would need to hone in on to get higher up on the page for Google?


Sure. So that’s one aspect of it, right? When you talk about that stuff, you’re talking about driving more traffic, right? That’s one piece of it. Usually what we’ll do is we’ll come in and do an audit and we’ll audit the existing page. We’ll look at the Google Analytics, and I can tell you just straight up what to do based on the data. It’s tough to just generalize, but if you’re looking to get more traffic, we figure out who you’re trying to attract, what they actually care about, what they’re looking for with that information. Right. And you create content to support that stuff in the way of blogs. And that’s a significant piece of traffic generation. And there’s also landing pages. You can set up landing pages based on the service for more commercial type stuff and get those landing pages to rank.


And we just had the whole website redone.


Sure, yeah.


That’S what I thought, that maybe you would have researched a little bit with the website and provided us.


Something that yeah, I’m sure you’ve been through the ringer before and a lot of people will come with auto generated reports to take like 5 minutes. And I’ll show you a series of SEO things or errors or whatever. Honestly, they’re BS because you give a laundry list of stuff and if you don’t know what you could prioritize any of that in whatever order. And every person is going to say something a little bit different as far as what to prioritize in one order, depending on that. Like I said, the best way if you want concrete stuff on it.




Let’s take a look at your Google Analytics and look at how the individual site is performing. Look at which pages are getting traffic. Look at how long people are staying on your pages. And what I’d be looking for initially is, is this website that you guys just spent money on is actually doing its job, right? Is it generating new contacts? Is it attracting new people? Are they staying on it? They’re finding it useful? If not, then let’s take a step back and put together a plan to fix it and set up. Okay, why?


So should we just provide you with the Google Analytics so you can get in there?


Yeah, you just add me in and then we can perform an audit and we can review it. Okay, I have a couple of questions.




Can you tell me a little bit about your team? How many people you have on it, what you guys specialize in? Sorry, I’m new to all of this with you, at least.


Let’s see, where do we start? So I have a team of five. We have been as large as 1415, and we started hitting kind of growing pains there, and that was 2019 and it ended up being a perfect storm because our lease at 10th and G right by the courthouse, was expiring. And owner of the building was like, matt, you need to either buy the building or not renew your lease. And I didn’t like either of those options, but I was like, okay, we’ll go remote for a couple of weeks because I couldn’t find anything. I went to a broker and couldn’t find anything in the moment. So we went remote, and our team shrunk a little bit, but we got a lot more efficient. And some of my best workers who traveled pretty far to get here were able to work remotely and work online. Ironically, she’s not with us anymore because she’s a full time content writer. But now we have a content strategist. We have designers. I have someone I’m training right now in sales, and I have a specialized ad team that works just on the paid side. So we have, like, content side, paid side, organic side.


And yeah, my specialty up until 2000 and 816 2017 was really super heavy on organic SEO. I was like the anti PPC guy. It was really easy to sell. Why pay $110 for Google Ads when I can rank organic but paperclip ads, right. And it’s really successful. I put a DUI attorney at number one for Sacramento. DUI attorney. And he was getting hundreds of inquiries a month. Just have that one lesson. Sometimes one keyword can really change your business keyword. You can get calls from it. Now we found that the best strategies are really comprehensive and implement both pay strategy, local SEO strategy, and content marketing strategy. And we always just find ways to keep Excelling. It’s just like, I think that as a law firm, you have to kind of figure out what you’re going to do to how you’re going to stand out, what you’re going to do, what you’re comfortable with. As far as marketing, I guess what I’m saying is I’m not entirely sure what you guys are looking for insofar as are you looking for completely hands off. Are you looking to collaborate in this stuff? I know you guys are doing Webinars and you guys have some blogs, so there’s some sort of strategy that’s been put into place here, and you guys have a direction.


I’m sure you have ideal clients, and maybe those blog posts are mirroring or a good indication of what kind of clients you’re looking for. Would that be the case? Who wrote those blogs? Who picked them, the categories and topics and stuff?


At one time, I did. I don’t know how I’ll say the latest got picked because I’ve had to not be involved as much just due to my schedule. But before we get to strategy, I was going to ask you about process, which I think leads to strategy.




So tell me about your process for.


Onboarding a firm like us might be easier. Do you want to put it up there. Yeah, it might just be I tried. I was prepared to do that, but.


You don’t have to. Yeah, it was it’s your call.




I was just trying to show off that we have technology, too.


The older I get, the less excited I get for technology, because then I have to remember how to actually use it. And I used to be like the tech guy in the office, and then we got interns. I was like, all right, whoever knows the most, they’re the tech guys now. And then I got sucked because she was like I was like, oh, let me get the WiFi password. That’s the one for that one. So yeah, she gave me the guess one. I spent like about 4 minutes in your sweating after you got out of the sun trying to figure out why I couldn’t connect to the airplane. I was like, I’m supposed to be selling tech.


I’m a little bit yeah, I get that. Well, now you have the right one.


And then I have a question for you while you’re doing that. I’ll just say the question and then you can think about it. Having dealt with SEO and social media marketing professionals in the past, a lot of them talk a good game at the beginning, and then I never see the person who I met with who did all the sales in the beginning. It’s part of the reason why I’m asking the process and then the delivery isn’t necessarily what was promised for whatever reason. How do you guard so then my question with that premise is how do.


You guard against that stuff?


But first let’s talk process. That’s just a question for you to think about as you talk about something else and maybe you have a good response. I know I’ve dealt with clients, like taking them in and then they get assigned out immediately. I mean, I get you may not.


Necessarily always be the point person on this deal. I will always be the point person. I’m very passionate about doing this specifically for law clients. I can show you a handful of clients over the years. I’ve definitely tripped and fell sometimes on clients. Not necessarily for law, but I’ve learned from my mistakes and we’ve established processes and new services to make sure some of that stuff doesn’t happen. It’s not like this password. Try one more time.




No worries.


I’m like.


One, two, seven. It’s okay. It’s right here. So onboarding for something like this, there’s different things. We always have this one. I’m not on any WiFi 1 second. Let me go back to the guest. So it used to be, used to be we come in and we sell a twelve month contract. I do my best to figure out what the value of that monthly contract should be, and I would sell it and we keep that static for a year and then do our best to win to retain a client the next year. We found that some clients that work so right with a lot of them, we’ve adjusted and put a lot more emphasis on shorter sprints. So we’ve isolated these different types of projects and these print processes. Usually we have a one month onboarding process where we I know I can get in between you guys. All right, onboarding, get into analytics, run through Google business profile, delegate manager access. Get into your analytics, implement review software, start running our software to see on a grid where you actually rank in different locations on a map. So start figuring out that side. We get call tracking set up.


We do competitive research, campaign planning, and identify quick wins for the client that’s month one. So that’s like our onboarding process. So any client to do that for.


Where do we talk about what our goals are?


What’s that?


Where do we talk about what our.


Goals are during that campaign planning? And we’ll start as I get hooked into data, I can start coming up with goals. And we’ll collaborate and work together and put together goals. And then we have different types of campaigns, like different different stuff that we run. So like the strategy? Oh, yeah, the strategy sprint. So this is this is like full this is how do I explain this? This is yeah, this is where we really cook up the entire strategy that’s going to guide everything that’s going to happen. So deep. Dive into Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Then we do a kickoff call with the client and we pull all that into Google Data Studio, which is open source so you can kind of see it and actually use it. Unfortunately, Google Data studio just changed something to my chagrin. So I’ve been having to run I ran three of these reports last week without Google Data Studio. I’ve just been putting together in Word Docs and doing my hand. It’s no different. At the end of the day, unfortunately, what I found is that no one gives a shit about these reports. They very rarely read them.


And that’s why it’s so important to have a good relationship with your client and really collaborate and figure out what’s going on. Because at the end of day, I can send you a million reports and it’s really hard to even get people to open them and read them, let alone get feedback on them. So you’re going to trust me to.


Can’T you show me what a report looks like?


Yeah, sure.


Yeah. I think the problem is like, understanding.


The Report studio is not available right now. Yeah, that’s the problem. So the kickoff report will pull all of your pages. It’ll pull your traffic history. It’ll pull information from search console too. It’s basically a baseline performance report of all the traffic sources for the data from your website. And it gives us an idea of where you’re trending all of your different content and how it’s performing and goes from there. Then we run a website quality audit. I can probably pull up one of these for you. Yeah. So a website quality audit, right. We pull data from Google Analytics. Google Search Console. There’s a tool called Ahrefs that monitors backlinks, and we pull data from that. We pull data from SEMrush. So we pull all these I’m actually working on one for HVAC company right now. We pull all the URLs. We’re pulling everything together from all these different tools. We create an index of all the pages on the site, and then we put together action plan based on how we were going to prioritize it. So it’s just like, first we get the site index, figure out like this one, we’re redesigning their website.


So we put together a list of all the existing URLs that are going to go there. Then we’re going to start plotting out, okay, is this going to be a main page? Is this a blog post? Whatever. And then what are we going to do to fix this based on the performance from, like, SEMrush and Href? So we just pull everything in one place. It makes it really easy to be able to tell, okay, what’s going on, what pages are we working on, what actions are we going to take on that page all in one place? So that’s the website quality audit.


So what, are you going to send us reports on a monthly basis? I don’t want every report. I’m going to show you an example of a report I like to look at. And it’s very simple. You’ve probably seen those.


I know.


Maybe you’re judging me right now.


I don’t know. I’m not judging. I’m analyzing. Everyone starts. That’s fine.


I just like the simplicity of it, and it gives me kind of the information that I’m looking for.


I mean, I guess, you know, you got traffic. How many phone calls did you get.


That I don’t know.


How many lead inquiries did you get? I would have to what practice management software do you guys use?


We use Cleo, but what we generally do is we have our office assistant takes it in a call, does a green sheet the old fashioned way, and I see where we got the lead from.


Okay. We’re going to bring into the whatever.


Century she’s been pushing us to or she has pushed us to go to Cleo grow.


Okay. I’m not super familiar with all their different levels and services and stuff like that. I have a client right now that was my first kind of account that I actually got to go in and play with Cleo a little bit. I’m a big fan of this stuff, though, because it’s going to make her more effective at her job. Right?


Sorry, I don’t mean to cut you off. I will say my goal is to simplify things because I get where. Some of your clients are like, well, yeah, I’m not opening this report. I would like to you just want.


To know, big picture, high level, what’s going on performance wise? Are we getting more traffic? Are we getting more calls? Because that leads to you making money. And there’s another aspect that you’re missing, another really important metric that you’re not generating right now. No.


Well, here’s what I really want. It’s not just more calls.


Quality calls. Quality.


I really could do without all of the calls. I just want the high quality leads. Because the reason we’re talking to you is not because we need business today. The reason we’re talking to you is because we might need more business in a year and a half from now.


The other thing is, does that fall a year and a half from now? If you don’t do the things that I’m going to do for you in the next six months, it’s going to be too late.


That’s why we’re talking to you now.


Yeah, that blog post I wrote for you about the arms race true. And I’m so pumped because I see all because I see all these articles about all these companies and the millions and billions of dollars there is here. You guys can get those clients.


Well, I need to be able to deliver.


Okay, well.


There’S a balance that you have to do, because what I don’t necessarily want is we just have all these calls, all this work coming in, and we can’t deliver.




It is very important to me that we be able to deliver a quality product for the calls that are coming in.


It’s really important for me, too, because that other aspect, that other thing that needs to happen is Review Generation. If you guys don’t do a good job on that, then what’s review Generation? So I’ll tell you why we’re having this conversation. I had this client in 2014, and they were a window replacement company, and I ranked them in the top of Google for everything in, like, a couple months. And they should have been making a lot of money off of it, way more than they were paying me. I sucked at selling it. I sucked at displaying the true value. I sucked a lot of stuff back then. I still get SEO, but I figured out the rest of them away. Come to find out, all the leads that were coming in as they were coming in, multiple different people would handle it. There was no script or reply or anything like that. There was no tracking. There was no follow up, and they didn’t care about reviews. Yeah, a lot was wasted. They ended up charging back, like, six months worth of service after the fact. And that in 2014, ad infusion, when every deal was like, the next couple of months of runway and making sure everyone ate was sucked.


Sucked. The sinking feeling of, like, because I had an account with negative, like a big chunk, and I didn’t have the cash on hand at that time to pay off that account, and I sucked.


I’m so sorry. Sean, your 145 call was called in already.


Okay, thank you. So our new intention was to make sure that every call that comes in off of a website, you know about it. I can show you. Here, I’ll show you. Let’s go into speed mode. I didn’t realize that.


You have time with Cassandra. My calendar just gets stacked.


I hear you. Yeah, of course I know that is.


What else do you want me to get?


My main questions were around process and then when do we start, which we’re going through. Because here’s what I am looking for. The more I’m involved with something, the more fucked up it is. Well, I don’t know if it’s because of me or I’m involved because it’s already fucked up. I don’t know if it’s chicken or egg, but let’s just acknowledge the more that I’m involved, the more I’m maybe the better way to put it is the more I’m in the weeds, the more it’s not working.


No, I hear you. You have a craft. I just learned from your brand new thing back there that’s working with your.


Clients, that’s not to say I just want to be hands off.


No, I don’t want that as a client. And I’ve seen through your work with is it running with REM?


Running with red.


Okay. So that’s one thing.


I don’t want to give the wrong impression. I’d like to set the goals. I would like to be able to review a report to have an understanding of where we are doing well, where we need to be, where we need to improve. And I will say and also the report of what do you need from me? I also need from you to have a good relationship with Cassandra.


We’re going to be in the weeds.


Because you’re going to be in the weeds because also in the past and maybe I’ve been an instigator of this is something happens and I get in the weeds, and then I keep getting pulled into the weeds because everybody thinks, well, Sean will get involved in this. So that’s why I say, I need you to have a good relationship with Cassandra. And that’s who I’m going to be relying on to make this call.


Makes sense. That’s why we treat our gatekeepers like gold, because they actually are influencers. These are the reports that really matter. And this is how you’re going to know that a good job is being done is as an attorney.


Yeah, charts are great.


Yeah, we’ll get back to the chart. But one thing that’s going to start happening on a regular basis, and it’s all going to be automated through Cleo is upon the resolution of your cases, clients are going to start coming onto Google, and they’re going to start leaving reviews about you, about what you did, about how you help them. Right. In fact, that’s one of the things that we’re going to that’s one of the initiatives that we do and set up all that software during month one is running campaigns like this so we can propel your reputation in the community. Right. And I know that you’ve done stuff through that. There’s also is advantage the business group Vistage. I thought that was really cool. I’m pumped on this because of the work that you’re doing. There’s a lot of alignment in some of the things that I’ve done. I think there’s a lot of opportunity because the type of attorney that you are, your clients and my clients are the same thing. You need to empower your clients and help them learn and grow, and that’s how I do. I think there’s a lot of similarities in how we operate as a practice.


I know you got another meeting and you know you got another client coming up. Let’s continue this later. But I appreciate your time.


These always make me scared, but I know that you have.


You do RLS real lawyer stuff. You’re out there doing that work and grinding it will generate that. It’s not scary. It’s good. It’s going to make you feel 10ft tall. Okay.


Because all of the hours that are up there right now are organic.




And we got a bad one, and then we go and fix it.


Yeah, well, that’s good. That’s what they want. That’s why they leave. That’s the only reason people leave bad ones like that if they feel like they have no other choice and they.


Want to touch them or they’re just bitchy. It was a pleasure to meet you.


I’m sorry.


I’m going to run. You are in good.


Yeah. We can do this whenever. Yeah.


You’re in good hands with Cassandra.




All right, cool. Well.


Yeah, this is I i don’t reports are good if you want to look at them periodically and stuff. I’m not me personally, I hate reports because I can’t manipulate it. I’d rather go into Google Analytics and jump around to different screens and dig into it and see what’s going on. And that tells me the real story with my marketing clients I set up. This is call tracking for clients.


I feel like I should go grab my computer and pull up the Google Analytics. I don’t know if that would help you.


Not right now. We could do that. We could do it in real time.




I know you want to see, I understand why you want to do that, obviously because you’re like, all right, well, what’s going on with our site? How can we do that? But I just want to show you generally how we work.




And then later, if you hire me, I’ll dig into your analytics and go work fair. So this is call rail. Basically the way it works. Anyone comes to a website from a different source. It dynamically, inserts a tracking number in, like, a split second. No one sees that. They don’t notice it. They just see the number. So they call and see you can track your inquiries, and you can track it, of course. Different sources.


Yeah. That’s why I’ve been asking them, what do we have that’s going to track what’s actually going on?


And you need this because it’s probably going to be I don’t know. You get a lot of phone call inquiries, right, for new business. If you’re not tracking those, how do you know what’s going on? Also, later on, when you start getting a strategy and this is like big picture stuff, but you can use you can start analyzing the topics and the keywords mentioned, incoming calls to figure out what kind of issues people are talking about. And that can give you good data on the blogs. I know that sounds crazy, and I wouldn’t have ever told someone that even six months ago. Well, yeah, we could still do that because we could just pull transcriptions, but no one do you think I have time to go through ige Tech Repairs transcriptions and see what kind we know? It’s very basic, simple issues with them, so that wouldn’t really work with them. But I’ll tell you this. See that line bar last year? That was their calls last year. Wow. Right. And then we redesigned their site in August, and by the end of August, I hit for Elgrove Computer Repair. And you can just see lead flow, like four or 500% increase in lead flow.


Right. For my clients, I know what’s going on with all my clients because anytime they get a call for any campaigns, I’m working on email with the transcription. So I just know I have my finger on the pulse of what’s going on. I have about 25, 26 clients right now. I have my finger on the pulse of everything that’s going on. For all my especially for all local business stuff like this, it’s really easy for me to see it. So that’s how I handle that.


And what do your other team members do? How do they all support.


It’S the Mat Show. It’s the Mat Show, and they help me execute on stuff and help do everything. I’m training some new people right now, which is interesting, but you can’t learn what I do from anyone else. It’s scary because.


You can’t do it all the time.


I do this all the time. I watched Elon interview yesterday. He’s like, oh, I work every day, but, like, two days a year.


Yeah. Well, didn’t he, like, sleep in his office or something?


Yeah, I did that too, when I started out.


Yeah. Got to do what you got to do. Okay.


That’s calls.


Okay. Yeah.


From the analytics side, here’s one here. Small mark, right? Just go back so here you can see what I do and this is why what kills me about the industry is everyone’s like, oh, send me let me get a report. One report is really hard. A static PDF report. It sucks. I can’t manipulate it. I can’t dig into this and see what’s going on. All right, so January.


Well, yeah, I was just talking with our office assistant, and she said that this guy we’re having a client appreciation next week, and one of the guys that we emailed, he moved to Lake, North Carolina, but he was like, oh, I wish I could come. I am so appreciative of all your work, and blah, blah, blah. And I’m like, yeah, we don’t even have anything in our email that asks people for Google reviews. We don’t have anything automated.


Yeah, so you just script it all out. You just automate it. I’m big on this because I know that even working with you and her, if there’s no automation, you have other shit to do.


I know a million things.


You’re going to have fun with this.


I’m excited. We need this to get us going.


I feel like well, the great thing is, too, is that hopefully we’re not starting from zero here, which is actually really this is my favorite kind of work. I don’t know if you notice. I’m really enthusiastic and passionate about doing digital marketing for law firms, but more importantly, not starting from scratch. I have, like, about a third of my projects right now are like they’re just starting out. They have one or two reviews. They don’t know their business. And then I have Sean. He works with business owners. He does workshops and helps them grow and plan for stuff. I want a job here because I want to learn from him. You know what I mean? So that really attracted me to come and meet with you guys and then also just it’s a lot easier to get an impact if you’re not going from zero to one. Now, that’s what I’ll say. Like I said, here, check this out. Michelle said michelle has a nine month old and her husband is a very successful medical sales rep. And she just started she’s been like a botox injector and stuff for like several years. She just started her own MedSpa in Midtown.


And I think they hired me about two, three months ago. They had no website. They didn’t even have a Google business listing. It wasn’t verified yet or anything like that. So we started everything from scratch. You could google Michelle aesthetic. And first of all, we just launched her new website. And here’s what it looks like. All the photography we shot, reviews front and center with clients. Oh, I pulled it off without review page. Okay. Testimonials. And it’s all updated in real time.


Which is really important because and these are real reviews.


Like real clients, literally. And my clients that do a good job by their clients, this works. I have a filtration system. What I do doesn’t work for everyone.




If the business sucks, if they don’t do right by their clients, and if they’re not in the business of creating, I don’t think that you guys are not I mean, he says, like he said himself, oh, all my reviews are organic. Yeah, the reviews we’re going to get for you organic, too. You did the work already. Your clients don’t know how important these are for you.


Yeah, we just added the follow through.


Yeah. So it’s adding that process and then personalizing it and all that stuff. But I love Sean Michelle because she’s going to be so just doing this is going to put her miles ahead. Like if you Google Botox, we haven’t got started on SEO and stuff yet. It’s a hard sell to her, honestly, because literally, she just does this kind of as a side hustle on weekends. But if you just look the average person, I mean, he’s been in business seven years and he has 273 reviews. She has 40. She’s been in business three weeks. So it won’t be long before we’ll.


Get her up there.


Not only will she be up there, but she’ll still pick her because she has more reviews than them and she does write by them. You look through her reviews and I’ve taught her in the prompting process, it’s like we got good at asking the right questions because at first, the earlier ones, they’re really bland and generic. And so we were getting a lot of stuff like this. She’s amazing. So we changed the patient feedback. I can’t remember the name of it. I’m like blanking on this. We changed the survey, post patient survey. So that was information and then we applied it so that the questions that we asked them, the survey are fresh in their head and they can use that for the reviews. And then you get better review content to help people get better.


Okay, that’s cool.


Yeah. But I like showing examples of that because even if I have to go from zero to one, it’s possible. It’s not only is it possible doing this for so long, I know the things that are important because I know, especially when I was first getting started, if my clients didn’t succeed, it didn’t matter if we had a twelve month contract, if it didn’t get results, well, okay, cool. So what? Back then, we charged like two grand a month for a client. Right. And it’s like, what, am I going to go sue this? I’m going to go hire a K and D and pay 30 grand and fight for two years for $8,000?




No, I have to do right by my clients.




But I’d much rather go in and here’s carpentrush. This is one I’m most excited about. I just closed them last beginning of this month, we closed the deal. I actually worked with Clark and Rush in 2018 and built their website, worked for like, two years. He thought it was too expensive at the time. And then they took it in house. They went through revolving door there. And now I finally got the client back, and I walked them into kind of a little bit more of a longer term thing on the website. But anyways, what’s really exciting is, look, they get January. They have a lot of search volume here, and they’re $25 million a year company. So it’s like, I can come in and fix stuff for them, and I’m about to. Look, this is all screwed up. Their engagement stinks. Their paid search, 45 seconds.


Yeah, engagement awful.


No one’s tracking. They’re not tracking. The guy that came in, the guy that came in before, he set up all these goals, but instead of it tracking actual lead or conversion, it just tracks visits to the pages. I’m like, what are you even doing? Google analytics literally tracks how many people go to the pages. Why is that your conversion goal?


So I’m like, right, okay.


But again, that’s why we have this onboarding. That’s why we start with the first month website analytics, soft Google Analytics, add the client, add client to our account, set up conversion, call goals, get that tracking. So that, look, if you can’t measure it, then how are you going to improve it?




Let’s see. We’re jumping around here, but here’s the.


And how much would this cost us monthly?


Yeah, that’s a good question. And I don’t have enough. Let’s see. That’s a good question. I’m not entirely sure how the sizes and complexity of this yet because I don’t know the extent of what kind of deals I mean, it ranges my small clients pay around, like the floor is about $2,500 a month. On the high end, I have clients that pay like 20, $30,000 a month plus ad spends. Right. It just depends on what kind of stuff that we’re doing, how much responsibility I’m going to have managing the client, the value of that, the competition levels, that kind of thing. There’s a lot of stuff that kind of goes into it, but okay. I wish I could just tell you, oh, it’s going to be $7500 a month today, and then push you guys into an agreement and get started on some stuff. But I just don’t know enough about I don’t know how well the websites you bring up my guide. So typical engagements, how we work, typical game plan. All right, start with the foundation. When you have an amazing website that does its job, you have clean and consistent listings, and you’re generating five star reviews every month.


Then you consider phase two, which is layer on paid ads and SEO. Your foundation is strong. Now you can start investing in traffic generation. Then you can add social media posts and video marketing. I say to consider adding social media, you should have a $3,500 marketing budget where 2500 is being invested in paid ads and SEO. So we layer all this stuff on and it can depend an ad budget. Again, it’s just hard. Here’s why it’s hard to say. That is maybe we want to do a whole construction litigation funnel and campaign on that. I have no idea what the I don’t know. Without doing a little research, I couldn’t tell you how to budget for that. Maybe I should have because honestly, yeah.


That’S what I need.


Yeah, I know you’ll need that. We’ll get there. And obviously I want to get there quickly too, because I want to work with you guys, right? Okay. So obviously they want to know how much it costs here, let’s take a look here’s, like the content side of things, right? I emailed you some screenshots, the old version, but this is like our newest version, right? So once we have content briefs here, once we have buyer personas. So here’s, like, this is one for City George, and they sell luxury mega mansions in the Golden Mile in Spain. And so we have this whole their keyword focus is all around like Marbella Real estate. So we’re working on making sure that their website actually has lots of content around that. So the benefits of owning villa in Marbella, guide to different regions and areas in Marbella where you can find luxury villas, the process of buying tips for carrying anything that anything where if you go on and search on Google and people are searching for all this stuff, we found all the stuff that people are searching for. So what we’re doing is creating the most and this is a great thing, is we can come in and create the most up to date, best version, best answer to those questions and get to rank, right?


And so we just completely attack a content. So maybe we did something like this. Maybe one aspect of this would be around getting construction litigation clients, right? So you could do a whole funnel, like based around this, you could do a whole thing on well, initially, how.


Much are we going to if we were to start today, what would we do? If you have to go back to the drawing board and then come back to me, then that’s fine, let’s do that.


I don’t want to blurt out some random number and not have it be anchored to anything.


Yeah, I want to figure out what.


Exactly that is connected to generally.


Because right now I think we’re spending 5500 and we’re not seeing anything.




So we’re not happy at all. So I don’t want to keep spending out $5,000 and not seeing.


No. Well, it’s ridiculous. When it doesn’t work, it sucks. It really sucks.


When it does work and we don’t have any way of tracking we’re getting.


These you know what, Google, you’re killing me. Do you have time? If we spend another 10 minutes can I see your analytics. We just look at it for, like, 5 minutes.




Just so I have a general idea of, like, what’s going on with you guys.


Yeah, let me grab it.




I’ll be right back.


It’s for the provider you’re with right now. Is it Elevate, the same people who.


Did the website, or it’s actually Cox Media Group.


Oh, yeah, that’s why yes.


Dynamics, I guess, runs our page and Elevate is I don’t even know. Honestly, it’s so confusing.


Is that a PC and you’re running Mac or is that what is no.


This is my Mac.


Why does it not look like a map?


I know. Weird about us. So.


Okay, so talks for the digital all right. Yeah.


Cox Media Group. And then this. Oh, that’s our other thing evolved. It has to be. I don’t know. And I know we pay GoDaddy, too.


So GoDaddy is probably for your hosting.




Hopefully you’re not getting any professional services from.




You just go to and go to analytics.


I was just gonna go.


Let’S take a side note. Click that performance.




Yep. Click there. All right. And then scroll down.


Yeah. And see, this is how I’ve been kind of, like, looking at things.


Okay. Interesting.


And we’re not even.


So funny, too.


I can’t get rid of that.


Yeah, I know.


Well, so annoying.


That’s actually it’s hilarious. So that just shows no, it’s funny. Funny. Two reasons. I was like part of my thing I was going to bring up is, like, one of my favorite attorneys in the country is this guy does civil he does YouTube videos. I can’t even remember I don’t know his name. I should watch his YouTube videos. I’m like, really big. I’ve been watching my current obsession on YouTube is First Amendment audits.




So people go to public buildings, like government buildings, DMVs courthouses, like town halls and things like that, and openly record and live stream, and the clerks and stuff will get super pissed and call the cops. Yeah. Your right to film government officials in public is, like, protected by the First Amendment right.


You’re a public employee.


So there’s all these YouTube channels with auditors that do that and cops get called and people get arrested all the time because, I mean, a lot of these guys are pushing the envelope and trying to get content. Right. So that’s where I talk about. Okay. Yeah, that’s hilarious. So Google thinks you guys are civil rights firm. Basically.


Yeah. So we’re constantly getting my rights have been violated, blah, blah, blah, blah. And a lot of the times it’s people just irritated about something that happened or the police arrested them. And I used to work in a plaintiff civil rights firm and yeah, it’s really annoying, the calls you get. Yeah.


That’s the problem is it’s annoying because people are calling you for something that’s, like, you can’t help them with. Okay. All right, so the listing situation kind of sucks right now, but like I said, you guys are sitting on that. I said, tell them you’re sitting on a gold mine. Gold mine. And all those keywords in that email, there’s tons of stuff that you guys should be ranking for that you’d be close to ranking for. And if you hit on any of those, you’re golden.


Right. Okay. So go to what?



Cassandra, yes. I like this one. Sure.


That’ll work. As long as you’re logged into the you want to be logged into the account, and there should be if you go back to this tab, don’t close this other one, x out of that. All right. Okay, so see the little three dots next to the green circle next to right where your mouse just was?


Right here?


Yeah. Go to business profile settings. The top one. Hit managers. I want to see what other email addresses are on here to find out. Okay. That email account might derek. Yeah, Derek’s is probably the one that.


Has why is it Derek Crow at Gmail?


Because that was his personal email, and when he first set up that listing, that’s probably what he used.


Well, it’s weird because it’s actually Sean Crow and Derek Decker, and I don’t even know where this email came from because we don’t ever use that.


Just double check. And, you know, you guys do have a Google Analytics profile on here, so we just need to find out. We’ll just need to figure out perhaps evolve if they set up this website, they might be able to tell you. They’d probably be able to tell you. I’ll forward you an email, like a short email with a request. But, yeah, we just need to find that. But that’s kind of too bad, because I do kind of want to see how the website is performing.


Well, I’ve been able to get in there before.


Okay. If you check your let me see if I can tell you what, let’s see. Yeah, try what is it? Look for an email from no Reply Analytics at Google. Or just search your email for analytics and see what comes up, maybe. All right, scroll back up. Did he forward that to you? Okay, so scroll down a little. It could be that he no longer yeah, that’s something that’s coming up, unfortunately. Yeah. So it looks like Sean it might be that email address. If he’s forwarding it to you from this one. Yeah, that one would be the one. So what you need to do here, I’ll show you what once you get access to it or what you want to do is you just go to whoever’s admin on the account. You just go into here, you go down here to Admin, and then you just go to Account Access Management. And then it’s like you can add new users. You just go here, click Add users, add, I just don’t understand, because how was. I in there before, then I noticed do you have another email account? And it could just be that you’re not logged into the right Gmail account, so maybe is it your personal that other Gmail account?


I should not have anything because I don’t see anything. If he’s forwarding those emails to you and they’re not coming directly to you, then I just don’t think that you I don’t think that that account has access to it. And it does have to be a.


Google account, even though it just said that I was on there as a manager.


Yeah, look, these are two different things. This is analytics. So this is the website, and this is your Google business listing, right? So one tells you how your listing is performing.


Well, I just saw that.


Yeah. Managers.


That’s me.


Yeah. So you’re a manager, so you’re on the Google. We’re looking at it. We’re looking at but that’s not Google Analytics.


Got it.


What I want to know is how’s the website doing? I have some general concerns. I’m not crazy. This is actually pretty clean. It’s pretty clean. The desktop site is all right. I didn’t notice that until I came over here. I was like, I want to look.


You paid a lot of money for.


This website, like, over ten.


Yeah, lots of money. And that’s why.


You know what’s crazy is that these day, everyone sets the I know. Everyone talks a good game, right? I did try to do a sales presentation where I went over this report to, like, this real estate brokerage that I had in at. And I was sitting in on their team meeting, and a Zillow partner was doing a pitch before me over Zoom. And it was so polished, and I was just like I had to keep my mouth shut because all this stuff, it was completely different. They weren’t even selling what I sell, but just like I was like, why would you even work with they were trying to sell jobs through, what is it? Home Advisor to these real estates to renovate the listings or whatever, do painting jobs or whatever. You’re really going to partner with Home Advisor to generate some of the most trash and low quality leads for contractors. But they’re multibillion dollar companies. They’re so, so polished. But then here’s what happens. You sign up with these big, huge companies. They give you a really polished pitch, and then you have access to an account manager job just to manage your account and share all this stuff that we’re talking about with you and maybe explain it.


But guess what? They’re not doing a strategy. They don’t know any of this stuff. They’re not in the trenches.


I know.


It sucks.


Yeah. And actually, that’s what I got out of our project manager. He’s basically I’m just basically the sales guy. And I was like, that’s the problem. I need somebody that actually knows what going on.


I compete with, like, there’s big agencies, like Scorpion is like a major one. And they’re like, I know the people that Scorpion outsources. The remember you asked, oh, what does it take to do the Google business? Listing some of the stuff that they do that they outsourced to one of my friends, first of all, he laughed them off because it’s not working with them because they didn’t want to pay him anything to do that. And then second of all, the people doing they’re just overworked that’s. The other thing, too, is they’re super overworked. Those managers have 100 clients that they do that with, so they don’t even have time to know the account, let alone be able to do anything on it. And they’re just passing off to overwork people who have tons of stuff. They’re just trying to ship it and get done. For me, every campaign I worked on has been like, leapfrogging for me to get here. So I’m just building on all the experience I have in the past.


So how am I going to get the Google analytics?


Okay, so you need to get it from Sean. Yeah. I believe if you go back to that email, forget about this tab, you can close that tab. Actually, will you do you mind? It’s okay. I was going to say just add me as a manager on here. But it’s all right. There’s not a lot to go back to. That performance tab. One more time. That’s the most important tab. And then scroll down. Oh, go to calls. The second tab.




All right.


From your business.


No, that’s to your business.


Okay. I’m like, why is it from calls.


Made from your business?


Why the hell is that better?


That’s wrong. They’re not tracking your about calls. Yeah, no, go back. You want to be in that time. But here’s the challenge. Here’s the other challenge with performance on this is that the calls that you’re getting right now are for stuff that doesn’t even matter. But go back to overview the first half and then scroll back down. I want to see what yeah, the searches breakdown. All right, so that’s interesting. And that’s whack actually, that’s why when you see that should be the opposite. Most people are using mobile, and most people search and read and do that stuff on your mobile. So when your website’s not mobile friendly, guess what? Google doesn’t display it in Google results. They’re not going to reward you with traffic for a website where their analytic data and they have access to that.


Oh, my God. Sean is not wanting he is not going to want to hear that because I’ve already brought it up. And anytime that I bring up things.


Well, that’s where this gets interesting, because what I might do what are you going to yell? You don’t even know what to say.


I just know that there’s these things that I’ve been looking at and thinking, why is it like that. Although I’m not educated in all of these things, I am learning as I’m going. I’m a consumer as well.






Well, logic will get you very far. If you know things in one industry, common sense dictates that it can apply to this as well. So make sure that’s the other thing I try to do with this, I try not to use jargon. Tell me if I lose you.


No, you’re doing fine. You’re doing a lot better, because that’s what I’ve had to do in the last few months, was literally ask people, look, you have all this stuff on this paper, and it doesn’t make sense to me. I need everything broken down because I don’t speak that language. So you can’t sell me something if I don’t speak that language.


Right? That’s why I try to and that didn’t come easy to me. I was super technical. They still bought. Everyone would buy. They’d be like, this kid knows everything about Google, and I do. But what I would find is no follow up afterwards because they don’t know what I’m talking about.


That’s a big problem. And that’s why I kept asking questions like, what does this mean? What does that mean? What does this mean? I don’t even think that Sean even knew what a lot of things meant.


Here’s my plan. Listen out, and I’ll just show you a big picture game plan. What I would like to see happen is basically I become your guys’outsourced digital marketing director, right? So for one fee, for one monthly fee, it encompasses pretty much all of this stuff, okay? And then the only other fees that you would have to pay is stuff like ads to Google and Facebook or sometimes there’s very little small It’s stuff like the call tracking software, review software, that kind of stuff that we implement on your behalf. The cool thing about doing it that way is that just gives me the breadth and leeway to come in and fix stuff. And also, big picture kind of run the show. When I say run the show, I kind of mean that in the sense that someone big picture needs to know what direction is going on, what are we doing? What are we trying to accomplish over them. I don’t look at this, and I look at campaigns like this. I have, like, a two, three year plan, right? I know what I’m going to do in the next six months, but I’m zooming out like, okay, what can we accomplish this year?


What can we accomplish next year? We can get the website fixed. I know there’s going to be I’m I’m I’m I’m suspecting there’s gonna be issues. I hate to say this, I don’t want to say it, but I don’t want to keep I hate keeping secrets, too. It might be something where we pitch a redesign. I hate that because it’s so soon. We could probably keep the look and feel and everything that they like about it. But I move it to an open source I’d suggest move it to an open source platform like WordPress instead of.


Like the drag and drop.


Well, exactly. Yeah.


Okay. And I think that’s what they had before and this other company convinced them.


To do that and then well, the thing is, the other companies convince them to do that because it’s proprietary. And so we lock you in. Everything that I do, I used to think I don’t have to gatekeep. I don’t have to gatekeep. I don’t need to lock people into long term contracts and have our own proprietary design system and all that so that people are stuck on our design. It makes it really hard and expensive for them to leave. I make everything open source with them. I build it all. I set it up. I forge really strong relationships. I have to find allies. I need allies within companies to work together with because we can’t get the stuff. I am a local partner. I’m here. I live in Westache. I told you I used to literally live right around the corner. I can’t say that I’m at the office as much as you are because most of them I can work from home. I love doing this. I love doing this. I love doing this. I love everything about this. I get to come in and sell it and learn firsthand what all the issues are from the very beginning and all.


I use that to craft every layer on this. That’s why I need to be the point of contact, because it helps me run the campaign.


Yeah, because right now we have a marketing outsourced marketing person, but she’s just.


Not the challenge is if they’re not experienced, then they don’t know.


I think this is not like her main.


Michelle. Michelle is somebody like that too. She does graphic design and stuff for it can be good if they know if you give them if you can fill them up with a long task list of stuff to do, but they can’t do anything.


Exactly. She’s constantly asking me for this, Matt. I’m like, literally, I have to do freaking time to go digging around and doing all these things and it’s like, I know what we need. We’re going to have a client appreciation. We should get a lot of pictures from that so we can maybe personalize.


Not only that, but you can step back and develop a communication strategy for the firm for the sake of generating more goodwill than showing actually, it’s funny, it’s like kind of the opposite. Well, no, it’s not the opposite. You can do more touch points and add more stuff so that it’s not just those events are great.




But also if you start producing content that shows and educates them and all that, that’d be really good. I think it would be cool. I know these guys are smart. And I know that I read through his reviews and I saw helping people and I understand the related. My brain is like ahead of my mouth. I would like to set him up so that I would like to not soon because we want to set up foundations. But if once a month he could publish some long form video content about a subject, I think that’d be amazing. I think that this is all about at the end of day, what this is about is like thought leadership, right? And you have to establish you guys yourselves as authority experts. Blogs are just one piece of the puzzle. But the great thing is, guess what? That blog, you can repurpose that content for five different things. Instagram, Facebook, twitter. Right. And with automation, with, with AI, you do it really fast and it makes it really, really like it’s it’s a lot faster. It’s a lot more. That’s the cool thing about this is that I think pretty soon everyone, I’ve been all in on AI a lot of stuff for like two months now, and in another two months, other people are going to start jumping on it.


But then the great thing is it’s not just AI, it’s a new tool and who’s going to use it best? I guarantee you the ways that I’m using it are miles ahead of anyone else. And I’m like, hey, let me unleash it for you guys. And I know things like, things like, I know you guys don’t have the issue, but we use it to reply to bad customer reviews and craft an appropriate response.


Yeah, because honestly, we’re just like, we don’t even know what to do with her. Because when they took her on, I was like, no, why are we taking.


I read that client and that’s the.


Thing, she was a bad client from the beginning to even take I was like, no, she’s bad, she’s bad. And then they still find the right.


Well, you learn these lessons. You learn these lessons. I’m in the same boat. It’s not about I can get all the clients I want to now I get the luxury of taking the clients that I’m really pumped about working with. You can do the same through your marketing. Right. But then also yeah, you learn from it. The other thing is, yeah, a response is good. I saw that. The challenges, that’s the game. Unfortunately, sometimes I’m not going to lie and say that I haven’t heard antidotes from people who have voiced similar complaints with law firms.


It does happen. And you know what, you’re not always going to win, right?


Yeah, that’s the other thing. But that’s not your fault. Maybe they have really bad with criminal laws. I have criminal law attorneys and people leave a bad review. My clients like, yeah, the facts of your case are really bad. Your client shot two cops. Like, what do you want?


You know what I mean yeah. And that’s why you don’t see a lot of criminal attorneys with tons of reviews.


I’m guessing you’d be surprised. You laugh. Right. But the thing is, if you do right by your clients and then you ask them for your help, they’ll Google. I don’t have a DUI attorney client, but if you Google well, I used.


To work for Mark Rykel.




And he’s a pretty prominent attorney and spokesperson for Fox and stuff, but I don’t remember him having a website when I worked with him.


That’s so funny because I well, he.


Works right over there.


Yeah, I recognize I thought originally when I saw the address, bang the west, but as I’m walking through the hallway, I’ve met with people. You said you’re friends with them.


Yeah, he’s actually one of the first attorneys that I worked with as a paralegal.


She referred me to just do a reputation campaign for them. Not everything is big, but right. What’s funny is those guys who are really big on contributing to Fox and all those they call me. Right.


It’s just sad, like, what are you supposed to do?


All right, the challenge is here’s the challenge, those people, they want to be heard. That’s why they’re doing that review. Okay. The other thing is, it’s not showing that’s seven reviews, how many cases he’s.


Done in this lifetime oh, my God. A really good attorney.


Yeah. I can tell you that. Give me three weeks, I can solve that problem for him and probably do a lot for his business because I guarantee you that people are still I mean, if he’s still practicing, people look him up.


Yeah, I think he is, but he gets to definitely I mean, he’s slowing down, but yeah, it’s just like yeah, he only has seven, but he has years of.


Office part.


That’s probably just like an extra little office place.


No, that’s just some business listing that’s there, too. It’s funny that he’s got it set up.


That’s weird.


Yeah, it just goes to show you, the information on these people don’t know what they’re doing. That guy’s never touched that listing. He doesn’t care, that’s all.


Yeah, exactly. But that’s my point.


Okay, here’s what I can tell you. Based on the money you guys are flushing down the toilet now, it’s going to be in the same ballpark. I’ll make it competitive. Right. You’re going to get a lot more out of it. You’re not locked in long term. That’s not to say if we’re doing our job right, you’re not going to go anywhere. It’s that simple. Right. But yeah, no, I think I’d like to see analytics, but let me start putting something let me put together some outlines for you.


Yeah, please do that so I can present it to yeah, Sean. And then get that going.


Do me this, then get me access. Get me access to the website or to the website analytics so that I can check that performance dashboard and kind of go from there. And then let me figure out what kind of bundle that I can put together kind of in that range. And I say range, I expect my numbers to be a little bit higher. I’m going to keep it in that same general range, something like this. Usually we like to see an 80, $90,000 a year like that base to run your services plus ads. So it’s kind of around what I’m thinking. But I really want to see website metrics because I want to know to the extent of what kind of building or sites major site structure changes. I think it would be here’s the thing. If you’re stuck on I don’t know enough about the Elevate site either, or what that looks like, but it’s not good to build your empire on someone else’s property. And so if it’s proprietary, if that platform is something that’s not ours, the other thing, too is it makes it not only if we do redesign it on WordPress, which is open source.


Right, right.


You can hire anyone to work or redesign or redevelop WordPress. And everyone uses WordPress, especially for small business sites. Very SEO friendly, inherently out of the box. It started as a blogging platform, like Tagging and all that. And I just noticed I noticed one little thing that raised an eyebrow on the blog. I forgot that HSL, if you go to blog and this is out of the box, what’s going on here? Maybe it’s just an isolation issue. Maybe I’m crazy. No, this is one issue. So the fact that it does this, they could fix this. But URL structure should not be it should not be like a weird query like this. It should be my blog.


And why does that matter?


Because Title actually because URL and Title URL, this URL structure is like one of the most important first signals that Google sees. So in Google, there’s an old video, how Search works, how search engines spread information. Crazy. How search engines how Google this is a cool one. How Google works. Mac huts. So Google, they have like, search.




Yes. And it’s basically like the White House, how they’re the press secretary, and their job is to, like, spew whatever flavor of bullshit.




And when I started in the game, matt Cutts was their press secretary, and he’s an interesting cab. This is one of my favorite videos to show new clients. So you have general hi, my name is Matt Cutts.

Matt Cutts

I’m an engineer in the quality Group at Google, and I’d like to talk today about what happens when you do a web search. The first thing to understand is that when you do a Google search, you aren’t actually searching the web. You’re searching Google’s index of the web, or at least as much of it as we can find. We do this with software programs called spiders. Spiders start by fetching a few Web pages. Then they follow the links on those pages and fetch the pages they point to and follow all the links on those pages and fetch the pages they link to, and so on, until we’ve indexed a pretty big chunk of the web, many billions of pages stored across thousands of machines. Now, suppose I want to know how fast a cheetah can run. I type in my search, say cheetah running speed, and hit return. Our software searches, our index to find every page that includes those search terms. In this case, there are hundreds of thousands of possible results. How does Google decide which few documents I really want? By asking questions, more than 200 of them. Like, how many times does this page contain your keywords?

Matt Cutts

Do the words appear in the title, in the URL, directly adjacent?


And it’s funny news, title, URL, in that order. It’s the top of the spiders. They start the top, and they crawl their way through the bottom. I say crawl. They’re not spiders. This is so weird. Anyway, yeah, they start at the top, and so that’s the first thing they see. They see the title, and they see the URL. That’s how they figure out what a page is about. So if that structure isn’t as easy as possible for you to understand, for them to see that and just like, queries are bad, you want simple, easy to read. And that’s the funny thing, too, is a lot of stuff feels really outdated. I know this might sound weird, but I’m not worried about ranking on top anymore. We’ll do that, and it’s necessary. But at the end of the day, what I really am worried about is at the other end, there’s, like, someone reading this who has a problem or is trying to learn something about something. How can I make it best for them? And so, like, Helpful Content update, and they just they published an update to this, an update to the update in December.


All right? And SEO is like law. It’s all in the books. Google publishes guidelines. And even more crazy now, they’re announcing, this is something like that they just recently started doing. But now they’re publishing major, publicly announcing, hey, we made a major change or algorithm. Here’s what we’re doing. But Helpful Content System is all about creating content for people first.


Well, I really want to see what we can do.


Yeah, here’s what I want to do. I want to fix the website, get you guys ranking better in search, start publishing more blogs. Use those blogs as Fodder to put those on social media.




And the reason why this is important is an important secondary goal, is that you need audiences, thought leadership, audiences. Now, there’s crazy audience. It can start local, or it can start throughout all of California. Right. But you need to start publishing all this stuff and getting people to digest it and building relationships this is more so for zero as an industry, more than everything else. Because that’s the other thing, too, is it’s not just getting the clients in the door. It’s the ongoing relationship you’re going to have with that client forever. You might start with a business formation, and then you might help with their merger, help them get acquired five years.


Later, create a trust within their family.


So there’s that side of it.


With a case in one of their businesses.


Not everyone is going to be a client right away, but if you start publishing information about this stuff on social media and people find it useful, they’ll follow you and start trusting you on it. I have people that I wanted to close. It’s self fulfilling prophecy. And I believe when I sell this, the reason I’m going to close this deal, the reason I close all my deals, people can tell that I’m really passionate about this. The reason I’m so passionate about it, I know it works. I do it for myself, right. This is how I eat. So you start publishing all that stuff on social media. Boom. Now you have an audience. Start building out your audience. And then when you do your events or whatever, you can send out all that email. So it’s not just search, right?


No, there’s a lot.


And to be able to come in as a director and just be like, all right, cool, here we go. Here’s some big picture goals. Here’s what we’re going to work on, the content calendar. We publish all that out, get a content calendar going. And then initially I just need here’s what I need is we’re going to have to figure out some way to get input from the attorneys on the content that we’re potion. Because basically we’re potion in their name, right?


Yeah. So what I have done for the last four blogs was I had our.


Yeah, that’s the other thing, too. I forgot I take for granted because a lot of law firms I work there’s really small, mighty teams, and it’s literally the attorney and the secretary.


So there isn’t anyone I have people because I don’t have time to sit through and read it and then go research. So I’ll hand it off to the law clerks and our last four, they had to completely go in and rewrite.


No, you’re not going to have yeah.


That’S what I want to avoid.


You’re not going to have to do.


Let’S get you into the Google Analytics and then we will move on because I want to see that our website is actually working for us. You know what I mean? Not trying to rush you out, but I do have some other things I need. I know you love it. Yeah, no, and I want to work.


With not only that, but it’s cool because I don’t know, it’s just exciting also to be able to see them and go out and publish this and start seeing what happens when they start doing this. Yeah, well, it’s not not just clients, but, like, the relationships with your existing clients and the relationships with potential clients and you start doing this. We can do other partnerships and cool stuff if you guys are already doing workshops and all that. I’d love to get involved with them on some of that stuff, too, because it’s just like an extension of the sphere of some of the stuff I’m trying to accomplish with my company. And who knows? I show you guys I know what I’m doing, and all of a sudden, guess what? You can refer me out. Tell your clients that need to scale their growth.


Exactly. It’s an opportunity for everyone. It.