Your real estate agency’s website is designed to build trust and establish relationships between potential clients and your agents. One of the most meaningful ways to do this is by providing useful solutions to the problems your potential clients are facing.

This is much easier said than done, however, and many realtors struggle to convert their website into an effective and profitable lead generation tool.

A particular real estate agency may be fighting to bring in new clients for various reasons. It is not uncommon for realtors to be clueless on how a search engine works, or how a prospective client uses Google to look for a real estate agent. Today’s post is not covering this topic, but if you want to learn more about it, check out: A Real Estate SEO #TruthBomb To Save Your Cash.

While there are plenty of realtors who understand the value of quality content in digital marketing for real estate agencies– but they aren’t sure where to start when developing a real estate content marketing strategy, or are already producing content with little value to prospective clients.

Stepping Into the Minds of Your Potential Clients

The most reliable way to produce the ideal content for your real estate agency’s website is to consider your potential client’s mindset.

Think about the common questions your clients ask (those questions they ask you are the identical to what they ask Google as they try to learn more about symptoms or treatments). Asking these questions will help you understand what topics your clients will find valuable and helpful.

In this post you will learn about ways you that can fine-tune your efforts in researching, composing, and publishing the content that both current and potential clients will find most useful and engaging, and that Google is more apt to rank in search engine results for related searches.

This is how we do it at AdInfusion:

Begin By Brainstorming Questions and Topics that Relate to Your Real Estate Agency’s Area(s) of Service

As you start to plan out your content, you will start to ponder what topics to blog about. Starting with broader, more general topics relevant to your specific service areas is always a good idea.

For example, take an realtor in California who may begin by listing related topics like:

  • Commercial Real Estate
  • Residential Properties
  • First-time Home Buyers

After brainstorming the broader topics, consider other related phrased and keywords that could be used by potential clients when they are looking online for a real estate agent.

As you do this, don’t forget that questions users are asking are becoming increasingly more complex as search engine technologies get more adept at answering such queries.

Oftentimes, a user won’t actually search for the words, “real estate agent.” They could be making searches like, “what is the process for a first-time home buyer?” or “what are the benefits to manufactured homes” in the place of “Realtors California.”

Potential clients can also be looking for answers to particular questions like,:

  • Are there tax incentives for new home purchases?
  • How long does it take to buy a house?
  • Are there different types of mortgages, and which are the best ones?

If you’re still struggling to come up with a list, check out “How to Do Keyword Research For Your Real Estate Agency Like a Boss

Consider Related Search Terms

By now your list should have multiple short phrases, keywords, and questions that your prospective clients usually ask you.

Take the next step by thinking about terms similar to what your potential clients may be searching for. Your clients may not know all of the technical jargon so determining synonyms and related terms will aid in pinpointing the type of language potential clients use to search for you.

Google has two resources that can be of great help in determining those related terms:

  • “searches related to…”
  • “People also ask.”

Let’s go back to the search for a realtor in California again. This is what you will find if you searched “residential real estate Sacramento”


Example: “Searches related to” section in Google search results


“Sacramento real estate market,” “real estate news Sacramento,” “Sacramento real estate market 2018,” and “Sacramento real estate market forecast” are just a few of the possible subjects a real estate agency can add to their expanding list of client concerns.

Next, move over to a Google search for each of these topics and you will see even more specific keywords, phrases, and potential questions to add to the list.

Check Out Your Real Estate Agency’s Competitors

After developing your list of questions and topics, check out the other real estate agents or agencies showing up on Google Searches for those specific keywords and phrases.

If you see that your competition comes up for certain queries on the SERPS, invest some time in reviewing their website to see what kind of content they produced on these topics. It is most likely informational and relevant content of answers to particular questions a prospective client may be asking.

I do not mean to say that you should plagiarize your competitor’s content, but simply review what is available out there and how you will take the approach to answering the same questions and subjects.

Don’t forget that although your competition is reporting on same questions or topics, it does not mean you can not develop your individual interpretations on the subject that underline the attributes of your real estate agency and expand on your character that will resound with your ideal clients.

Publish High-Quality content that Addresses the Concerns of Your Potential Clients

Now you are informed on what questions your potential clients are searching for. You have taken the starting step. The next step is to create and publish enticing content directed towards those questions or topics.

Think about the list you have created and start to develop a real estate marketing plan of how you will produce posts and pages for your site to cover those subjects. Don’t engage in keyword stuffing content. If you are successfully publishing posts that are responsive to what potential clients want, the correct keywords will show up organically within your writing.

Do you lack the time to create your own blogs? AdInfusion has top of the industry content writers that can produce and publish engaging content that will attract new clients to your website and convert them into your permanent clients. Let’s talk more about how we can help you expand your real estate agency’s success. Contact us for more information.