Are you a lawyer who’s worried about how your law firm’s site ranks on Google? Focusing on your firm’s rankings may cause you anxiety.

These anxieties are often rooted in fear — not reality. While your law firm’s rankings in Google is important, it is unlikely to be the only metric that defines your law firm’s capacity to reach potential clients digitally.

“Top” rankings on Google do not automatically translate to traffic, and a high traffic volume is not always coequal to qualified potential clients. Share on X

One thing that will attract the right traffic to your law firm’s website is good, high-quality content.

Informative, high-quality content creates new business for your firm, and attracts the right kind of web traffic to your law firm’s website. The goal of the content you write is to provide helpful information for potential clients who are searching for it. Informative, relevant content assists prospective clients make informed decisions find solutions to their problems. That includes making the decision to contact your law firm. A quality blog post that attracts qualified potential clients to your firm can cultivate interest in your firm’s services long after you’ve published it.

The best attorney websites are stocked full of helpful, informative content that addresses their needs and concerns. So, you might be wondering things like, “how does content impact rankings for law firms?” or “do Google ranks even matter for law firms?”

Here’s how you can work toward creating a meaningful, sustainable digital presence for your law firm online, and move away from the anxiety of worrying about top rankings on google for your law firm.

Write informative law firm blog post for your potential clients

You can increase the visibility of your law firm’s website by creating blog content that is informative to referral sources, existing and prospective clients. When you examine how your potential clients actually use search engines, the value of composing useful, high-quality content becomes clear.

Search engines are used by the public for an array of reasons, like shopping, or entertainment. Research, however is one of the most common reasons people initiate a search online. Your potential clients will be using a search engine to get more information about their legal problem or case.

Online searches used to be primarily based on simple keywords(Think, “DUI Attorney Georgia”). But your potential clients nowadays are much savvier than they used to be. Today, more people are likely to seek answers online from a search engine that ask an actual person. When a search is initiated, Google attempts to return the most relevant results for those queries from its index. (70 percent of Google searches have never been asked before. Results rankings and pages can be as unique as the questions being asked of a search engine.)

You can assist potential clients with making informed decisions about their problem or case by addressing their concerns with detailed, accurate information, relevant to their particular issue.

Google does not rank thin content highly because potential clients need to be able to find accurate information in order to make decisions. Google’s main purpose is providing the most relevant search results for its users. Google’s ability to do this so well has enabled the company to dominate the search engine market. Your law firm’s pages may be returned in Search Engine Results Pages (SEPRs) when it contains content that is relevant to a query. Your potential clients can make better decisions about what they should do next, and will benefit from the information you provide.

What your potential clients might find useful may not be useful to you and vice-versa. It is crucial to know who you are targeting with your writing. Many attorneys find that creating potential client personas is helpful for them to be strategic in your writing so that you are writing to attract the right traffic, not just a lot of traffic.

Law firm blog posts should answer the question potential clients ask

The best resource your firm has for content ideas is your clients!

Every time you meet with a prospective client, you have the opportunity to find creative new ideas for your content. Your potential and existing clients frequently ask questions. It’s very likely that someone else is online, right now, searching for information relevant to their case, legal issue or question.

By assessing the questions your potential clients are asking, you can come up with other questions that might to be addressed too. Each query is a potential blog post that’s rich with helpful information. Are there common questions that clients ask often? They may not have thought of the question yet, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t find your content helpful. Blog about it.

Providing high-quality content is one of the most successful ways to market your law firm online. But attorneys should exercise caution. Writing about random topics is unlikely to be unsuccessful. Planning great content is vital. If you write about topics that are interesting to you (but not your potential clients), you are wasting valuable energy and time.

Lawyers need to be deliberate about planning their content. The frequency of publishing and the topics you choose are very important. Your website is more likely to attract the right traffic if you are focusing on composing informative, relevant content and publishing it regularly.

Give your potential clients different ways to to consume our content

Thoughtfully composed written content is the proper place to begin as you’re developing your law firm’s website, but it is not the only way to get information to your audience. Your potential clients will have an array of learning styles. Create an approachable, safe environment for potential clients to discover more about the law by addressing their needs. Potential clients are going to engage more with your content when they have choices. You can provide your potential clients with an opportunity to learn more about how they should proceed, when you give them new ways to learn, and relevant content to address their needs.

Some potential clients will read a blog article from beginning to end. Some will simply skim for the information they want. Videos and podcasts can be helpful to high-auditory and visual learners.

Videos can help your potential clients understand what you are like as a person, and can help communicate the values of your law firm. As the saying goes, “People don’t care about what you know until they know how much you care.” Publishing videos can make it easier for potential clients to feel like they can connect with your firm. Producing high-quality videos can showcase the personality and expertise of your firm.

Different content options allow you to connect with potential clients in a method that is meaningful to them.

For more ideas, check out our post, Five things to think about before you publish the next blog post for your law firm”

AdInfusion can help your law firm do better content marketing.

Skilled content marketing is what draws potential clients to your law firm’s website and helps convert them into new business for your firm. At AdInfusion, we know some attorneys loathe writing content, some love it, and some simply don’t the have time. This is why we offer content marketing services.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or want us to add to existing content, we’re here to help. Our content marketing department provides substantive “evergreen” pages, blog content, and digital marketing collateral such as ebooks and email newsletters.

Contact us today to discover how we can get your law firm’s website generating the traffic and revenue it should be.