It constantly astounds us to discover how many companies are sitting on a the secret formula for a successful SEO campaign and don’t even know it. I’m not trying to be mysterious, its actually pretty simple – a wealth of intellectual property.

Creating Captivating Content for Building Links, Leads, and Traffic

If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a hundred times, High-quality content is fundamental to any successful SEO campaign. These three vital things are accomplished through stellar content:

  • Creating interest from relevant, high authority blogs and website, blazing a trail to earning superior backlinks and attracting qualified traffic to your website
  • Attracting traffic, resonating with visitors and generating qualified leads.
  • Impressing Google’s algorithms, improving organic visibility for not only the high-quality page(s) in question, but for your entire domain.

The major debacle of accomplishing all this is actually determining what constitutes “great” content. Again, there is no mystery – inside information! Regardless of your niche or industry, people in and around that niche or industry are ravenous for unique facts and insights.

Information based on a company’s own business activity is as credible as information gets. Click To Tweet

In your organization, what unique information or insight do you have that others in your industry would be eager to learn about? Here are just a few examples:

  • Test results comparing several competitive products in your niche or a related one?
  • Statistics on sales performance — average selling cycle, close rates, etc.?
  • Detailed case studies with comparative KPI data from the customers?
  • Examples of successful and highly imaginative closing techniques or product applications?
  • Insights about how your company exceeds the industry average for financial management, logistics, revenue growth, etc.?

Above we discussed two topics potential customers might be interested in learning more about. Next we will discuss the two obstacles many businesses encounter when actually publishing them.

1. Lack of internal communication.

Companies don’t always realize it when something brilliant happens: A sales rep makes an absolutely over-the-top sale, but upper management never gets the whole story; the lab produces analyses of competitive products that, while revolutionary, never get the internal credit they deserve. And so on and so forth…

2. Fear of divulging company secrets.

While the first obstacle can be mitigated by making someone responsible for collecting the needed information, this second issue is not so simple to get around. Determining which information is “safe” to publish is a matter that must be carefully weighed. However, a company can make the mistake of being too exclusive as well as by being too open. Reasons to consider a more open stance on information sharing:

  • Competitors are too wrapped up in their internal challenges and plans to be sidetracked by what you are doing.
  • You may be so far ahead of your competition in the given area that your competitors couldn’t catch you, even if they wanted to.
  • The value of the content in terms of branding, thought leadership and SEO, and the ensuing lead generation, far outweighs any risk.

Put Together a Winning SEO Campaign

Looking for ideas to put together a solid content plan for your SEO? Please contact us to discuss the possibilities.